verkehrswesen location-based services favendo


Especially at infrastructure nodes such as railway stations and airports, location-based services and above all indoor navigation show their potential. Gabriele Handel-Jung, Head of Marketing at DB Mobility Logistics: “Addressing customers individually is also becoming increasingly important to us. With the iBeacon technology we have the possibility to integrate further service functions into the stations in a meaningful way for our customers”. So it is no wonder that Deutsche Bahn has had the Beacon technology including indoor navigation tested extensively at Berlin’s Südkreuz station for two years. The airport operator FRAPORT announced an indoor navigation system for iOS and Android apps as well as touch screens at the airport as early as 2015. Further one is already in the USA. Since summer 2015, San Francisco Airport has used approximately 300 beacons the size of a bottle top, distributed throughout the airport, to make it easier for visually impaired people to navigate through the building.
The non-aviation segment is also very important as a profit center for airports. Here above all the letting of surfaces. Terminal 1 of Frankfurt Airport alone offers two shopping worlds: Shopping Avenue and Shopping Boulevard. The situation is similar at other airports. Hamburg Airport has been cooperating with the Beacon-based loyalty programme Yoints since 2014. Further information on the use of location-based services in transport can be found here.