Smart Asset Management

Smart Asset Management

Smart Asset Management is an asset tracking solution based on RFID technology. The RFID gates used can register up to 250 transponders per second fully automatically. This also means that the assets to be tracked must be equipped with transponders. The special feature of this solution is the possibility to set up zones with the help of RFID gates. With their help, the assets can not only be tracked at the beginning and end of their “journey”, but also on the road. Without using beacons.  Depending on the installation, according to the developers, an accuracy up to the shelf space can be achieved. The solution can also communicate directly with an inventory management system and, with the appropriate installation, enables an automatic re-order to be triggered when parts are removed from a warehouse stock. Depending on the type of installation, SAM can transfer the position of an asset to the merchandise management system either by shelf, shelf or shelf space.
If, for example, C parts are removed from their storage bin and transferred to production, a replenishment order is automatically triggered in the system, which guarantees smooth replenishment management.